Monday, April 16, 2012

Two Friday the 13th Surprises: Big Brassica and Smart Birds

On April 13, we measured our Brassica plants; they ranged in size from 0 cm to 3 cm.  
We knew these plants would grow fast, but they took us all by surprise!

That's our 3 cm plant on the left!

Here's an added treat:  After school on Friday, One-Two Crew Mom Cindy Johnson and I were talking, 
and she heard a strange noise coming from a nearby window.  It took some neck-craning, 
but she, her sons and I were able to watch as tiny house sparrows and finches took turns landing 
on the window ledge outside to quickly strip small pieces of soft window screen for their nests 
in the nearby trees. The holes in the hail-damaged screens proved to make the screens "easy pickings" 
for the little birds! This is the only photo I could get that shows one of the birds; 
look carefully between the blinds, to the left of the post, for its eye!

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