Monday, April 16, 2012

Two Friday the 13th Surprises: Big Brassica and Smart Birds

On April 13, we measured our Brassica plants; they ranged in size from 0 cm to 3 cm.  
We knew these plants would grow fast, but they took us all by surprise!

That's our 3 cm plant on the left!

Here's an added treat:  After school on Friday, One-Two Crew Mom Cindy Johnson and I were talking, 
and she heard a strange noise coming from a nearby window.  It took some neck-craning, 
but she, her sons and I were able to watch as tiny house sparrows and finches took turns landing 
on the window ledge outside to quickly strip small pieces of soft window screen for their nests 
in the nearby trees. The holes in the hail-damaged screens proved to make the screens "easy pickings" 
for the little birds! This is the only photo I could get that shows one of the birds; 
look carefully between the blinds, to the left of the post, for its eye!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Baby Brassica!

Our two-day old plants have started sprouting!  The specially designed Brassica plants are fast-growing, so that we can observe the entire plant cycle in less than one quarter.  

Check back to see more photos of our plants as they grow!

The students were thrilled to see these shoots pop up on Thursday!

The photo is a little fuzzy, but you can see the "curls" as the plants push through the soil!

Not all cups have sprouts...yet!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome to Our First Post...Watch Your Step!

Only at Big T would we begin our blogging adventure with a lovely closeup of elk poop (that's "scat," Mrs. C ~ get it right)!

But, this dynamic photo shows we have happy, well-fed elk in the neighborhood ~ no hard pellets for them, because they've been snacking on lawns and newly planted gardens.  Seems like everyone is happy to live near Big T!

These are NOT our only photos from our March 23 Camera Hunt, nor do we have the captions all ready yet ~ I just promised to have this blog up by this weekend (April Fool's Day seems like a perfect day for the FIRST POST!), and here it is...well, at least the beginning of it.  There's still a lot more to come, so tune in again soon!

The One-Two Crew and I would like to say a special "thanks" to all the parents and grandparents who led our expedition, and took these wonderful photos (or the ones I'll be posting soon):  Mrs. Ahrens, Mr. Barnett, Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Hatanaka, Mrs. Heller, Mrs. Rollins (and "Grandma"), Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Young! 

~Mrs. C
